Our partners in the Green Economy
Vision & Mission
The European Green Deal is a set of policy initiatives by the European Commission with the overarching aim of making Europe climate neutral in 2050. The European Green Deal is a roadmap for making the EU’s economy sustainable. This will happen by turning climate and environmental challenges into opportunities across all policy areas and making the transition just and inclusive for all.
The TREC network addresses and jointly implements the goal of the Green Deal: climate neutral in 2050.
Reaching this target will require action by all sectors of our economy, including:
- investing in environmentally-friendly technologies
- supporting industry to innovate
- rolling out cleaner, cheaper and healthier forms of private and public transport
- decarbonising the energy sector
- ensuring buildings are more energy efficient
- working with international partners to improve global environmental standards

The EU will also provide financial support and technical assistance to help people, businesses and regions that are most affected by the move towards the green economy. This is called the Just Transition Mechanism and will help mobilise at least €100 billion over the period 2021 – 2027 in the most affected regions.
Horizon Europe is the EU’s next research and innovation programme starting in 2021.
Its powerful instruments and innovative governance will drive the necessary systemic changes to reach climate neutrality and ensure an inclusive ecological and economic transition. Over 35% of Horizon Europe spending will contribute to climate objectives.
There will be a new wave of research and innovation partnerships under Horizon Europe. These Green Partnerships enable the huge transformations in environment, society and the economy that the European Green Deal calls for.

TREC is an established and powerful network to provide powerful solutions and answers, the European Green Deal calls for: Connecting Green Economy Clusters and networks allover Central and South East Europe with common goals and visions for the future:

- Initialise innovative projects with European impact (Horizon Europe)
- Uniting and focusing expertise in the Green Economy
- Enabling cooperations between industry and R&D
- Initiation of new partnerships between interdisciplinary & interregional companies
- Development of long term partnerships for technology & knowledge transfer
The research institute DBFZ is the leading expert for a biobased economy with the following scientific objective: “The object of the Institute is application-oriented research and development in the field of energetic and integrated material use of renewable raw materials in the bioeconomy with special consideration of innovative techniques of economic effects and environmental concerns”
PIC – Pi Innovation Culture GmbH is a spin-off of the DBFZ reserach institute. The company provides professional competence an experience in network management, project & innovation management in the Green Economy. The two company founders have been connected to the TREC network from the very beginning and can rely on numerous personal contacts and fruitful cooperations.

Partner & Competences
- All
- #Agriculture
- #Biobased Materials
- #Bioeconomy
- #Bioenergy
- #Biogas & Fermentation
- #Biogenic Residuals & Waste Materials
- #Biomethane
- #Biorefineries & Biofuels
- #Circular Economy
- #E-Mobility
- #Environmental Analytics
- #Environmental Engineering
- #Food Processing
- #Hydrothermal Carbonization (HTC)
- #Nutrient Recycling
- #Phytomining
- #Renewable Energy
- #Resource Efficiency
- #Resources
- #Waste Streams
History & References
The TREC network can look back on a long history:
2011: Supported by Interreg IV C program from EU, first partnerships for TREC were initiated by Romanian partners from Cluj Napoca. First members were Greek Partners from Western Macedonia and a German Cluster from Leipzig in Western Saxony.
2014/2015: Supported by the BMBF (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research) the project TREC Danube established the TREC network with 12 inital partners in the South Eastern EU. Extensive exchange programs, jointly conferences and meetings enabled longlasting personal contacts.
2016/2017: TREC Danube II was continuing the successful set-up of TREC network. Further partners could be involved in the network, first EU projects were initiated. Personal contacts were solidified.
2018/2019: New partners from Czech Republic and Germany (TkoR network) join projects

2017: ProBBE
Call: RUR-09-2017: Business models for modern rural economies
Partners: i.a. DBFZ, Fraunhofer IMW, ProAkademia, TEneHI
2018: Power4Bio
Call: RUR-09-2018: Realising the potential of regional and local bio-based economies
Partners: i.a. DBFZ, Energy Agency Plovdiv, Ukrainian National Forestry University
2018: PNCK Cycle
Call: INNOSUP-01-2018: Cluster facilitated projects for new industrial value chains
Partners: i.a. Fraunhofer IMW, DBFZ, Pro Akademia, TEneHI, Energy Agency Plovdiv

2016/2018 COSMENERG (I & II): Strategic cooperation of European Networks and Clusterexcellence
Partners: Netzwerk Energie & Umwelt e.V., Ecopanonia, IMP PAN
2016 – 2020: FIRECE: Interreg Central Europe: Strategies for regional low-carbon energy transition
Partners: Netzwerk Energie und Umwelt e.V., Fraunhofer IMW,
2020: ReCreate – Regional value creation by cross-border collaboration in the Bioeconomy
Partners: Fraunhofer IMW, Bioenergy for the Region Cluster– LODZ – Poland, Green Synergy Cluster – PLOVDIV – Bulgaria, Transylvania Renewable Energy Cluster – TREC – Romania, Centre of Technology and Competence for Organic Recycling Material –TKoR – Germany
2020: LignoLink – The green innovation ecosystem for cross sectorial value chains based on renewable carbon sources
Partners: DBFZ, Fraunhofer IMW, BioEconomy Cluster Slovakia, …
Join our network
We are open to new partners and look forward to your request.