TEneHI Cluster (Termal Energy And Innovation Cluster)




#Biogas & Fermentation


#Biorefineries & Biofuels

#Circular Economy

#Hydrothermal Carbonization (HTC)

#Nutrient Recycling


#Renewable Energy

#Resource Efficiency


#Waste Streams


Zsolt Huszka

Cluster Manager

4 members

  • Software renewable and/or geothermal energy activities including strategy or concept preparation, communication, dissemination
  • Hardware projects of direct geothermal heat supply for space heating/cooling, district heating and combined heat and power production
  • Innovation projects, focusing mainly on hybrid renewable energy solutions

Hungary has an excellent geothermal potential. Both geothermal gradient and existence of large thermal water reservoirs are one of the best in the European Continent. The National Renewable Energy Action Plan of Hungary is ambitious, but realistic from technical point of view. Renewable and also geothermal energy production have to multiply by 2020. Therefore the activity of the Cluster covers the whole renewable energy sector, but the focus is on geothermal energy. Our intention is to prepare regional and areal renewable energy concepts, to settle new ground source heat pumps, to establish new geothermal energy production sites by producing and reinjecting thermal water. In the areas with higher enthalpy establishment of small-scale geothermal power plant is also possible. Combined heat and power and/or hybrid renewable power plant projects are also to be established in Central-Eastern Europe.

References and Experience

3 Geothermal project is under preparing

Network Focus
  • We are considering renewable energy innovation projects as well, in which geothermal energy has a key role. Our experience in geothermal projects provides a professional basis in this kind of projects.
  • We are ready to co-operate in establishing geothermal or hybrid renewable energy sites abroad either. We can co-operate both in software and hardware projects.
Unique Selling Point

Specialists in Geothermal Energy field