#Renewable Energy
- Cluster "Ecopanonia" is a regional cluster - some of the founders and members are from Hungary and Romania. It has the vision to establish regional association of clusters, whose activity is renewable energy and eco-culture, becoming a leader in this field in the region. Association will gather (already achieved agreements) clusters from Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Macedonia, Poland, Germany, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic.
- Utilization of renewable energy sources, environment protection, furthermore, the sustainable development. To promote environmentally friendly products and other high-quality products and a laboratory for testing these, which will contribute to environmental protection and development of the region. 5E: environment, energy, economy and energy efficiency. Energy per unit of each product is high in costs. Reduce of energy consumption through energy efficiency and application of renewable energy, increases the competitiveness of the SME market cluster members.
Members of cluster
Members and key players of the network: 36 companies from the field of renewable energy production and environment protection (geothermal energy, biomass boilers for district heating systems, biomass production, waste recycling, filters for production lines etc.), First Biomass Ltd.- Budapest, SolarTech – Szeged (Hungary), University of Novi Sad, University of Debrecen (Hungary), Regional Chamber of Commerce-Novi Sad, Novi Sad Fair, continual communication with Provincial Secretariat for Energy and Mineral Resources and Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection.
References and Experience
- Establishment of Cluster
- Visit to the fair for RES and EE Renexpo Budapest in cooperation with Secretary for energetics and Secretary for economy
- Education of young people for project management in cooperation with Alma Mons
- Organization of study tours – visit to producers of boilers on biomass in Hungary in cooperation with Secretary for energetics
- Conference (Novi Sad - Master Centar) about clusterization process in Serbia in cooperation with cluster Arch Energ from Szeged, with participation of clusters from Romania
- Organization of study tours – visit district heating systems in Hungary based on geothermal energy, in cooperation with Secretary for energetics
- Visit to the fair for RES and EE Renexpo Budapest in cooperation with Secretary for energetics
- Conference (Novi Sad - Master Centar) with participation of companies from area of RES and EE from Hungary, visit to the plant for production of biogass Mirotin Vrbas, in cooperation with cluster Arch Energ from Szeged,
- Start of the project “District heating system of the town of KIKINDA, with use of geothermal energy" in cooperation with the company EU-FIRE Kft. - Budapest, with Secretary for energetics and NIS.
- Participation at the fair INVESTEXPO - Novi Sad
- Conference about the use of geothermal energy with focus on the use in agriculture, during International agricultural fair in Novi Sad (Master centar)
- Conference about EE in cooperation with Regional chamber of commerce Novi Sad
- Organization of Serbian delegation (as representative of Serbia- partner country) for the participation at the fair RES and EE - Augsburg, Germany
- Setting up cooperation with the Electrosupply enterprise of Hungary- with company MVM OVIT (production of cauldron on biomass with capacity of 5-50 MW thermal energy)
- Conference about EE in industry in cooperation with Regional chamber of commerce Novi Sad
- Organization of study tours – visit to district heating system of town Komlo based on biomass boiler with capacity of 20 MW thermal energy
- Organization of Round table about biomass in cooperation with CEDEF from Belgrade, MVM OVIT from Budapest and PKV (Vojvodina Chamber of Comerce)
- Participation at the fair for RES and EE RENEXPO WESTERN BALKANS - Beograd
Ongoing Projects:
- Third study tour - visit to the municipality heating system of town Komlo with the boiler on biomass with capacity of 20 MW thermal energy
- Forum about biomass (19. September 2014.) in cooperation with CEDEF from Belgrade and MVM OVIT from Budapest.
Network Focus
By means related to the activities of the Cluster, it organises those scientific and professional fields which support the developing activities of the cluster’s members. It organizes seminars and professional days for educational workers, in order to ensure that in the younger generations the environmental awareness can be established as early as possible. It maintains close connections with universities, schools, professional organisations and other educational institutions.
Unique Selling Point
The Cluster ECOPANONIA is the representative of Hungarian Electric Power Industry for Serbia and Kosovo. In the scope of this cooperation we are organizing study tours to Komlo – Hungary, where the first biomass boiler (20 MW heat energy) for wooden chips, was built and is in the function from 2010.