Transylvania Energy Cluster
#Biorefineries & Biofuels
#Circular Economy
#Environmental Analytics
#Nutrient Recycling
#Renewable Energy
#Resource Efficiency
#Waste Streams
37 members
Transylvania Energy Cluster was born as a result of local actors becoming aware of the importance of changing the perception of the use of renewable energy resources and the opportunities resulting from their proper exploitation. The renewable energy sector is an emerging one contributing to the economy of the growing region.TREC Cluster became a legal entity in June 2015 and currently has more than 30 entities in both research and private firms and public authorities.
Transylvania Energy Cluster is part of the TREC Danube - the transnational network of regional clusters in the field of renewable energy, energy systems and bioeconomy.
We are linking networks, business partners and R&D organisations from Nord West Region of Romania – Transylvania Area.
TREC is a platform for R&D driven innovations in alternative energy, renewables, energy efficiency and advance environmental technologies and environment protection
- Energy management
- Product development, R&D
- Energy monitoring of buildings
- Equipment, infrastructure
- Service / Maintenance / Supply
- Consultancy
Members of cluster
- 2 research institutions: Research Institute for Analytical Instrumentation ICIA, Research Institute for Automation IPA S.A. (Cluj-Napoca subsidiary)
- 3 universities: Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Babes-Bolyai University, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca
- 2 governmental institutions: Cluj-Napoca City Council, North-West Regional Development Agency
- 30 companies: Cluj Innovation Park S.A, ENERGOBIT S.A. , NET BRINEL S.A., PAULOWNIA Green SRL, GREEN BAU SRL, DEAC CONSULTING DYNASTY SRL, TETAROM SA, ELECTROGRUP SA, NOVA POWER & GAS S.R.L., EUROTOP CONSULTING SRL, ENERGO POWER SRL, A.R.I.E.S. Transylvania, SARA Install SRL, FINAS INVEST S.R.L., TELEKOM S.A., SC Eurobb SA, Faculty of Geography UBB , SC GO SERV S.R.L., Contis Control and Testing Industrial Service S.R.L., S.C.Arvada S.R.L., S.C. EnergoCertif S.R.L., S.C. 4C Project Consulting S.R.L., Regia Autonoma de Termoficare, S.C. Vector Steel S.R.L., Lucien Solution , Sarea Transilvaniei , SEEI Tehnology, Metropolitan Cluj Area
The network is an open partnership structure.
References and Experience
The Regional Energy Network began its activities in 2012, in the North-West Development Region of Romania. The network was launched in the framework of the Trans-national Renewable Energy Cluster TREC, a European Territorial Cooperation project that facilitated the organization of such networks in Cluj (Romania) and Western Macedonia (Greece), benefitting from the good practices transferred by the existing renewable energy clusters and networks from Saxony (Germany).
The regional network from Romania has not become a legal entity after the European TREC project was finalised, consequently its activities are occasioned by project proposals that might be submitted on new calls concerning clusters, at national or European level.
Network Focus
- contributing to a better capitalizing of the research results obtained in universities and research centres, by organizing meetings with representatives of research centres, universities and representatives from SMEs active in the encompassing field of energy
- identifying appropriate national and EU programs for financing SMEs mostly in the field of renewable energy production and distribution
- enlarging the number of members and strengthening their partnerships
Unique Selling Point
The only regional network specialized in energy matters in Northern Transylvania.